forex market hours today

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The Forex Market is a global market for trading currencies, and it is open 24 hours a day, five days a week. This means that traders from around the world are able to trade currencies at any time of the day or night. The Forex Market is the largest financial market in the world, with an average daily trading volume of over $5 trillion.

The Forex Market is open 24 hours a day, from Sunday at 5:00 PM EST to Friday at 4:00 PM EST. During this time, the market is open in different parts of the world, allowing traders to take advantage of different trading opportunities. For example, when the market is open in Europe, traders in the United States can take advantage of the higher liquidity and lower spreads available in the European market.

The Forex Market is divided into four main trading sessions: the Sydney session, the Tokyo session, the London session, and the New York session. Each session has its own characteristics, and traders should be aware of the different times and the different trading opportunities available in each session.

The Sydney session is the first session of the day, and it begins at 5:00 PM EST. This session is dominated by the Australian dollar, and it is a good time for traders to take advantage of the higher liquidity and lower spreads available in the Australian market.

The Tokyo session begins at 7:00 PM EST and is dominated by the Japanese yen. This session is the most active session in terms of trading volume, and it is a good time for traders to take advantage of the higher liquidity and lower spreads available in the Japanese market.

The London session begins at 3:00 AM EST and is dominated by the British pound. This session is the most active session in terms of trading volume, and it is a good time for traders to take advantage of the higher liquidity and lower spreads available in the British market.

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