jello shot recipe

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Jello shots are a fun and easy way to add some excitement to your party. To make these delicious treats, you will need a few simple ingredients, including gelatin, boiling water, cold water and your favorite alcohol. Begin by dissolving the gelatin in boiling water, then add the cold water and alcohol. Pour the mixture into shot glasses and refrigerate until set.
One important thing to keep in mind when making jello shots is the ratio of alcohol to other ingredients. Too much alcohol can cause the jello to not set properly, while too little can make the shots weak and unappetizing. It's best to use a 1:1 ratio of alcohol to cold water, and adjust as needed to achieve the desired strength.
Another tip for making perfect jello shots is to use flavored gelatin mix. This can add an extra layer of flavor to your shots and make them even more enjoyable. Some popular flavors include cherry, lime, and raspberry. Experiment with different combinations of alcohol and gelatin flavors to find your favorite recipe.

In conclusion, jello shots are a fun and easy way to add some excitement to your party. With a few simple ingredients and some creativity, you can make delicious and unique jello shots that your guests will love. Just remember to keep the alcohol ratio in check and experiment with different flavors to find your perfect recipe.


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