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stress and anxiety


Jay and Mariana are the ideal couples. They met and dated their final year of high school and have been together ever since. After a long wait, they got married shortly after graduating from college. Jay and Mariana decided to marry less than a year after graduating from college.

The first several months as newlyweds were idyllic. They were so insane that there was no room for even a minor squabble. Things began to alter in their second year as husband and wife. Each of them suddenly felt the pressure and stress of still having an empty nest. The sense of incompleteness gradually wore on their passion and closeness.

Mariana became so preoccupied with having her own child that she drifted away from Jay. In her perspective, the wedding was all about starting a family. She would become melancholy at times and believe that she was to blame. In the back of her mind, she was concerned that something was wrong with her that was preventing her from becoming pregnant.

Jay had tension and worry during their marriage. Regardless of how hard he tried to hide his displeasure, he couldn't help but be envious anytime his help was needed. Mikey discussed his annual prior son and the fact that his wife Pamela was expecting their second kid.

Family reunions and other gatherings with relatives were especially challenging for the couple. Jay and Mariana were constantly questioned about how they will ultimately have children of their own. The presence of nephews and nieces heightened their awareness of the fact that they were childless. Each of them had to put up with many inquiries, jokes, looks, and thus the cacophony of delighted youngsters. They may not have minded the children's laughter, sobbing, and screams if these tiny bundles of energy and delight weren't their own. An inconsiderate auntie would constantly laugh about the stork that missed its way and never arrived at Jay and Mariana's vacant house at every family gathering. The pair was absolutely quiet and unbroken.

For a long period, Jay and Mariana shifted their allegations and blamed them for not having their own child. The strain and anxiety of not having a child almost destroyed their marriage. Fights got more frequent, and hence intimate encounters were rarer —- the more complicated their problem. But, if they were constantly arguing, would they need a child?

Jay ultimately agreed to accompany Mariana to the doctor on the advice of a mutual acquaintance. Following a battery of tests, the doctor determined that Mariana was 100% capable of becoming pregnant. The doctor also indicated that Jay had a very low spermatozoan count, which might explain why Mariana couldn't become pregnant.

Several couples, like Jay and Mariana, have encountered concerns with their physiological state. In reality, six million couples in the United States suffer infertility issues each year, accounting for 10% of all married couples. The failure of individuals to become pregnant after one year of normal and unprotected intercourse is a physiological condition.

Under ideal conditions, a girl's chances of becoming pregnant during one catamenial cycle are just about 30%. In many circumstances, the physiological state is created by a combination of factors in each partner that work together to prevent such conception from occurring. One in every twenty-five American men suffers from this physiological condition. Infertility in Mount instances is caused by a low spermatozoan count or poor sperm quality. Sperm counts are declining in most industrial nations, as they are in every perm, particularly among busy, career-driven males.



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