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quick meals for dinner







Okay, then. I admit that I don't always want to cook, especially when time is limited and we've fallen behind due to what seems like never-ending errands and things. While it would be much faster to simply go through a drive-thru on situations like this, I despise doing so, especially when it concerns meals.




What I've done is keep on hand the ingredients for three or four meals that I can "whip up" in a short amount of time without having to rush to the grocery store. You'll come up with more quick supper ideas based on your family's preferences and size, but these are mine.

1. Noodles with chicken. I make my own noodles, which are quite simple to make and freeze nicely. I normally treble the amount when I'm making them because I'm going to have noodles drying out on my table anyhow, so I'd prepare a lot right away and put many luggage in the freezer. When I boil a chicken, it's just as simple to get a big pot out, make two or three, and freeze a bunch of it.



If you have enough freezer space, you can even freeze the broth. When time is limited, it's not difficult to take a bag of chicken, a bag of noodles, and either some frozen broth or a couple cans of stock and make your own chicken and noodles.

I occasionally serve chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes, and in case I run out of potatoes, I have a box of dried mashed potatoes on hand. a simple and appealing supper that will be devoured in about twenty minutes.

2. I always keep a pound or two of charred hamburger in my deep freeze. That way, I can make a casserole, goulash, tacos, or put some chili in the crock pot. I frequently season some for tacos and store it in the freezer. It will be used for taco salads, tacos, and meaty nachos as a treat.

3. I admit that I keep a handy package of hamburger helper in my pantry as well. My daughter's recent favorite is the double cheese quesadilla.

4. The charred frozen chicken in the deep freeze will make a salad or some wonderful chicken fajitas with a little spice. 

5. During the summer, I have frozen hamburger patties on hand to toss on the grill for a quick lunch that the kids like. Modern vegetables and fruit are excellent for side dishes. and that I frequently open a can of peaches, pears, or fruit cocktails to accompany my meals. Remember that if you're browning a pound of hamburger for a dinner, it's just as simple to brown two or three pounds and store the extra in the deep-freeze for later use. So plan four or five simple meals that you can cook ahead of time and keep on hand.




Then, if you didn't make a hotel plan or finish on time, simply whip it up; it beats striking the local drive-ups and is far less expensive and far healthier.




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